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Old 2015-07-05, 15:06   Link #72
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
If more ninjas were searching for this hidden enemy there would be no need for sasuke to be gone for years at a time. Heck Sasuke's search could actually be sped up by having the right kind of tracking ninjas helping him out. For instance, A skilled Hyuuga has 360 degree, telescopic, x-ray vision; they can literally see almost everything in within several miles of themselves. With a team member like that, Sasuke would be able to do a complete search of a suspicious area quickly and move on, thus greatly speeding up his search.
Basically Sasuke stated that he believed the hidden enemy was hidden in a pocket dimension so that narrows the field on who could help, then throw in it had to be something Kaguya is wary of so anyone searching needs to be able to at least be able to escape from them to report back, So the field is narrowed even more. Given it is a top secret long term mission that also limits who can go and how many people can know about it so it doesn't panic people or tip off who they are looking for. Sasuke has a good cover given every thing that he's done it doesn't look too strange that he is off by himself. Also who is to say he is the only one looking. In a way this might explain why he is out of contact so much I doubt Ninrison has cell coverage in Pocket Dimension 616 or even places to charge his phone.

The impression I took is Sasuke is so worried about this taking his family away from him he is pushing himself to get it done which is causing him to at least alienate his daughter. I think he also has issues with public shows of affection, Ie he didn't kiss Sakura cause he was too embarrassed.
Higurashi: Its a bit like watching a trainwreck, except you keep getting to see different trains wrecking with roughly the same passengers, into a variety of different objects. Also, the trains are driven by monkeys. On LSD.
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