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Old 2015-07-04, 13:53   Link #69
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Originally Posted by LevelSeven View Post
if not the manga than give the anime a chance, the power system and fights in general are pretty awesome, exspecially the chimera arc ending
Just my 2 cents but I have never read the HxH manga. I did however watch the new anime series and I really liked it. Especially anything involving the Phantom Troupe. Reminded me a lot of Akatsuki, which is one of if not my favorite part about the Naruto story as well. The Chimera arc was absurdly dragged out though. I think that's a pretty popular opinion. Well worth watching though.

Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
Really i feel like you are trying to make excuses for sasuke's actions that just aren't supported by what Kishi showed or told us in this sidestory; relying more on speculation then what we actually see
that's fair I suppose. Honestly, I see it in their expressions mostly. I prefer when a story doesn't spell everything out in ham-fisted dialogue.

I'd say its more of a commentary on Karin...
Yea, she is pathetic. I didn't notice, because like you said, she's always been pathetic. The fact that Sakura actually did marry Sasuke gives her more credit in my book. She was similarly pathetic, but she did win

Originally Posted by Ero-Senn1n View Post
That's just wrong in so many ways. Anyway, having children is far from reviving a clan. A clan is much more than some genetic material.
gotta start somewhere. there are lots of ninja who don't belong to villages or they are in crappy little ones. I'm not saying it would be the most morally sound decision to knock up a bunch of random girls and recruit a new village, but it would be the fastest way and Sasuke hasn't exactly been a very moral character... ever. plus, girls have been falling all over him since day 1. it actually would fit his character to have even more desperate chicks wanting to have his baby. 12 or so years passed after all.
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