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Old 2015-07-03, 08:57   Link #53
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Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
Military fathers tend to keep in touch with their loved ones. Soldiers would send letters home and would eagerly anticipate receiving letters while they were in the field. Cell Phones have made keeping in touch with family a very simple task. Yet despite having methods of long distance communication, sasuke never uses these for his family. Heck it would have been a very simple task for Sasuke to obtain a photo of his daughter.
While I did compare him to a military father, he is obviously an extreme example. Not all military fathers have had their families murdered and experienced the genocide of their entire bloodlines and had to kill their own brother by their hand only to find out that he was more than he appeared to be. I feel like you guys often forget all that. These aren't real humans either, they are over-the-top characters. What Sasuke went through would cause extreme PTSD in a normal human. I think he's actually handling it quite well. And like Artful_Dodger mentioned, Sarada has clearly changed him, it's just a minor change, which it should be in his case.

Originally Posted by jmacintosh View Post
I am going to respectfully disagree...Sasuke's entire life revolved around the connection he had to his family and especially his brother. His main source of consternation was not being around his big brother enough. Right up until the end of Kabuto's edo tensei, He still clung to his own mission, and never fully grasped the scope of what Itachi had done for the clan, and village, or how strong he had become.
Like I mentioned above, you're ignoring his traumatic experiences. There is no doubt that he still keeps his distance from loved ones because he's afraid of losing them like he did in the past. It's between the lines, but I think that Sakura understands that and that's why she loves him despite him keeping his distance.

Regardless of what he was doing all this time, he was almost never alone (Team 7, Oroch, Akatsuki, Taka, Hebi)...
Not sure what your point is here. He was just using Orochi and Akatsuki. As far as Taka goes, the fact that he didn't chase them away or kill them was Kishi showing that he still had a heart despite his efforts to crush it. After he found out the truth of Itachi, he really did lose his heart until he met edo-Itachi again though.

I would think after Sasuke and Naruto worked everything out in the end, he would at least understand the importance of the family connection between him and his child. The whole dynamic with Sakura is weird though. You have the will to impregnate someone, but you can't kiss them goodbye before you go off again?
Kishi is a family man. I have no doubt that the point of Sasuke spending the night meant that him and Sakura had sex. Kishi just doesn't want to make the manga about sex ever which is why the time skip skipped over all the lovey dovey stuff. I'm sure that meant more to Sakura than a kiss goodbye. Sarada was the important one in that moment anyway. Parents often and should put their kids first. Like I said, she gets Sasuke's mental state when it comes to love. You can see it in her expressions.

Perhaps he just saw Sakura as a vessel for him to bring the clan back. After all, using other people to suit his means has been his modus operandi throughout the whole series.
He used bad people. But he actually loves the good ones. Even Naruto. Tobirama made it quite clear that the Uchiha love too much. Sasuke is just afraid to show it after what happened to him. If he had never gone through all that heartache, he would have grown up to be a loving father like you guys seem to want. But he did go through it and it changed him quite a bit. Even more so than usual since he is an Uchiha and love, loss and chakra breaks their brains.

Last edited by itachi-san314; 2015-07-03 at 10:40.
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