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Old 2015-07-03, 08:24   Link #52
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
to be fair, they're all connected by their hearts

On a semi-serious note, I don't really get the complaints about Sasuke not being around. He's basically a military father on a constant mission. It's in his character to be a lone wolf and not show much emotion or connection, not to be an adoring husband and father who goes to school plays and piano recitals.

It also sounds like Sakura was on a mission with him for a while. We don't know everything they did over those 12 years. There was probably more contact than zero.
I am going to respectfully disagree...Sasuke's entire life revolved around the connection he had to his family and especially his brother. His main source of consternation was not being around his big brother enough. Right up until the end of Kabuto's edo tensei, He still clung to his own mission, and never fully grasped the scope of what Itachi had done for the clan, and village, or how strong he had become.

Regardless of what he was doing all this time, he was almost never alone (Team 7, Oroch, Akatsuki, Taka, Hebi)...

I would think after Sasuke and Naruto worked everything out in the end, he would at least understand the importance of the family connection between him and his child. The whole dynamic with Sakura is weird though. You have the will to impregnate someone, but you can't kiss them goodbye before you go off again? Perhaps he just saw Sakura as a vessel for him to bring the clan back. After all, using other people to suit his means has been his modus operandi throughout the whole series.
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