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Old 2015-06-12, 23:15   Link #101
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Just want to contribute my theory here:
(This is using what we know, about how how Boruto movie starts, and assuming Sakura is meant to come out of it looking good while Salad is still mad at her dad)
1. Karin made Salad in a growth vat using Sasuke's DNA mixed with her own. All without telling anyone.

2. Sasuke found out about it when he visited Karin, who was all giddy and excited to introduce "our baby daughter" to him. Sasuke is horrified, shocked, and angry that she did this with no consideration for Sasuke OR the new born child. And decided he needs to rescue the baby. Sasuke took Salad away as an intervention, Karin either resisted or not; she is crazy enough to maybe not object.

3. Now Sasuke is stuck with a baby daughter he never planned for. And he was in no position to raise the child, he doesn't even know how. He also doesn't want to just dump an Uchiha at an orphanage, that is just bad news. In the end Sakura volunteered to raise Salad as her own, to make sure she has a stable home. And Sasuke agreed to marry Sakura on his part to give her some legitimacy to raise his child as a member of the Uchiha clan. At this point no one has cheated on anyone else, the priority is doing what is best for a newborn child.

4. Sasuke still couldn't deal with unexpected fatherhood, and as such didn't understand the consequences of being gone for 12 years. He wasn't trying to abandon the child, he just didn't know what to do with Salad. Sakura doesn't blame him, because she knows he was forced into this before he was ready. And it was her choice to raise Salad because she wanted the best for the baby.

5. Karin's role in all this was hushed up and most people don't know, because it is easy to think it best that Salad grow up not knowing her birth mother is slightly insane and lost custody.

I came up with this theory because it makes Sakura's position stronger as a foster parent, explains why Karin is a taboo topic, and made sense of why Sasuke is so disoriented about being a father. Most importantly it avoids the issue of Sasuke actually procreating willingly but then dumping the child with a different woman.
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