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Old 2015-06-06, 23:36   Link #78
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Midnight_Commander View Post
Nice straw-man; James never said anything about him becoming fat or lazy :/

Naruto & Sasuke could simply maintain their shape/condition, and because they were given power from the sage, its quite likely that no ninja will be able to reach them(much less surpass them) for several generations if ever. Instead of training in violent jutsu, Naruto could instead concentrate his future efforts on things like sealing techniques and using ninja arts for things more useful than death and destruction(while keeping in shape). Indeed, this would be very fitting since many of his clan's techniques were probably lost or forgotten after the ninja world fell into war. I think this would serve a great example for the other countries, and they'd probably follow suit, considering Naruto's charisma and popularity.
Except that the flashback in this chapter showed that Sasuke was worried about something like, or stronger than Kaguya showing up in the future, thus Naruto and Sasuke's lack of training is doubly disturbing.
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