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Old 2015-06-05, 10:55   Link #69
Join Date: May 2014
Originally Posted by DerGilga View Post
About the shroud thing, you basically said, that Naruto would heal himself first and leave Salada unprotected, which I would find very out of character.
The list was actually just to show, how many established/hinted abilities Naruto and Sasuke have to deal with the situation. Them not using them and taking unnecessary harm to make the battle more 'intense' is the bad writing people complain about.
I can't disagree that it could have been written better, I understand. I just don't think its that big a deal, and that we should already know that villains (or any new characters really) abilities are usually inflated at their introduction. Remember Sai's first appearance? He was made to look as though he could defeat Naruto, and Naruto did have some trouble when he first dealt with his never seen before abilities.

Yet notice how these fights are always stopped short? That's because if they went on further the opponent would eventually lose, and the plot is ruined. This stuff happens all the time in all kinds of anime. Yeah its contrived, I get it. But really, there are much worse things that happened in this manga; this is pretty minor imho.
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