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Old 2015-06-05, 08:00   Link #66
Join Date: May 2014
I don't think the fight was bad. Sasuke and Naruto don't seem like they did when they fought Madara, but they obviously weren't going 100% here. Naruto and Sasuke took a hit, big deal. Do you honestly believe they would've lost from that? The kyuubi wasn't even worried or worked up --the fox was lying down curled up like a house cat joking about the whole thing. We know how he looks when things are dire; I think alot of you are taking this too seriously. Every time a villain is introduced they're made to seem a bit more powerful than they really are --part of that is because their abilities take a bit of getting used to. I think you guys need to calm down a bit and read a few more chapters.

Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
Well, that was the first really bad chapter of this gaiden. Only really good part was sakura's entrance; KO's the guy in one punch. Really she was the ONLY one of the 3 who actually seemed to be fighting at her full abilities...
Well it would make sense not to go all out if he intended to capture the enemy for questioning.

I don't blame Naruto as much since he seemed to jsut want to hang back and keep the Sarada shielded, but Sasuke didn't use Half of the broken moves that he can pull. Like instead of a fireball, why not Amaratsu? Very deadly unkillable flame.
Why use something like that when a "regular" fireball will do just fine? The enemy that got hit with it was incapacitated, but not dead --sounds good if they want to get answers. But lets face it, had he used Amaterasu, the peanut gallery here would probably still complain about "MS spamming". I think non-amaterasu fire made sense with the kids being around, not to mention it wasn't needed. Its not like the enemy was a water type where Sasuke needed to use a special flame that's inextinguishable.

Originally Posted by DerGilga View Post
-Naruto losing his chakra shroud:
Given that the shroud appeared when 12 years old Naruto had a hole in his lunge, I say rather unbelievable.
Whats so hard to believe about him no using extra energy to maintain the shroud? Perhaps hes putting that into healing himself?

-Naruto being controlled by the weapons:
Naruto+Kyuubi couldn't be controlled by Nagato at point blank. The same Nagato who could mess with Sage chakra. Also rather unbelievable.
Where was Naruto controlled by weapons?

-Sasuke not using Susanoo:
Why? Even when at first not taking his enemy serious, after what he saw what happened to Naruto, his secret love, there is no excuse.
Fine, he could have used Susanoo here, but I don't think its a big deal. A little variation is refreshing; its not like you guy haven't whined about being tired of seeing it.

-Sasuke not using Shinra Tensei:
He can use the 6 path jutsus. He can use Chibaku Tensei, the ultimate jutus of Deva path. So him not being able to use it is rather unbelievable.
I'm not 100% convinced Sasuke can use this.

-Sasuke not using summoning:
Remember the time when Sasuke summoned a boss lvl snake, genjutsued it, entered into its mouth and undone the summoning, while Deidara was exploding? Kishi doesn't.
Agreed; I think it would've been cool to use a few snakes to surround Sarada and block the daggers, like he did to himself when fighting Itachi. But again I think its just plot contrivance to add suspense, so I'm not taking it that seriously.

-Sasuke being controlled by the weapons:
Why not use Susanoo to repel them, or Shinra Tensei. Also can somebody who has half of the chrakra of Rikudou sennin be controlled by a fodder?
We don't know how restricted his movements were or what he would've done had Sakura not appear --look what happened when Danzou restricted Sasuke's movements. He even asked Sakura why she was there --so its not like he seemed that relieved when she handled the enemy.

Last edited by Artful_Dodger; 2015-06-05 at 08:14.
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