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Old 2015-06-02, 13:16   Link #63
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Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
Also, "not apologizing when you did something clearly wrong to someone you supposedly care about" is NOT a positive characteristic.
I never said it was. I said it was a character trait of Sasuke's and his current actions fall right in line with who he's always been. Expecting something else is to expect a different character.

I would expect Sasuke to actually RESPECT everything his brother fought and died for and not go punishing the innocent.
He did respect Itachi and what he did. If you notice, Itachi was never the target of his hatred after Sasuke found out the truth. He actually loved him more than ever. The village wasn't innocent in his eyes.

sasuke in essence was going to render Itachi's sacrifices all meaningless.
yes exactly. even Itachi later admits that he made a mistake. many mistakes actually.

Itachi sacrificed himself and went through hell to stop war and give sasuke a good future in Konoha and Sasuke just spat on his grave.
if by 'good future' you mean 'murdered family and friends' then I don't agree

His thinking was just totally backwards. Sasuke saw nothing wrong with trying to kill people who had nothing to do with itachi's suffering like Bee and he even went so far as to stab his own loyal allies in the back. Its all just disgusting.
this is where the insanity comes in. I never said Sasuke was right or just or that I liked what he wanted to do. I said I understand his character arc and found it interesting. Who's to know what you would do if someone murdered your entire bloodline. I'd venture to guess that you wouldn't be making a lot of rational decisions.

And y'know i'm not even sure it even lines up with how a psycho would act in real life. With alot of them there is something very wrong about the way the think, like things they THINK are true that allows them to create a flawed rationalization for the horrible things they do.
you can capitalize things all you want, but it doesn't make them true. this is oddly hypocritical actually. Sasuke's thinking DID become flawed and he DID rationalize killing everyone in the village, including people who were unaware because they were enjoying life while Itachi suffered and died for them. You said so yourself earlier in this post.

Flawed thinking is also a major character trait of his (and all prominent Uchiha). His thinking was flawed ever since the start of the story (just not as bad). He was hellbent on revenge at all costs. Kakashi tried to get him to think more clearly, but it was impossible.

Like Bigots who rationalize their hatred for an entire race or group because they honestly believe that EVERY member of that group is the same. Sasuke doesn't have any such flawed rationalization to his actions; he's been told EXACTLY what happened and understands it; his actions are not only horrible but they also don't make sense even to his own mind.
but they DO. Sasuke did EXACTLY that (I can use capitals too ). He imagined the village as a bunch of happy idiots all flourishing due to his brother's sacrifice. often with a psycho, there is a trigger event to push them over the edge. Sasuke actually had 3 trigger events: the massacre, Itachi using Tsukyomi on him, and learning the truth about Itachi. That's more than enough to justify a serial killer, which is what he would have become if Kishi didn't intend to redeem him.

So to reiterate, I've never said that I like or endorse Sasuke's actions. I just understand them and think they have enough identifiable motivation.
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