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Old 2015-06-02, 09:28   Link #62
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Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
I think I come in between you and Artful_Dodger here because while I do like and understand Sasuke's character, I am also totally sick of Sharingans. However, if things had turned out like you apparently wanted and Sasuke was a great, attentive father, I feel like Sasuke haters would still be bashing him for becoming Tsundere or just something he never was and out of character. For me, I think Sasuke's aloofness makes total sense for his character. Also, apologizing isn't in his character either. I don't know why anyone would expect that.
I can't speak for anyone else, but if sasuke was actually a decent father he would atleast be tolerable; boring, but tolerable.
Also, "not apologizing when you did something clearly wrong to someone you supposedly care about" is NOT a positive characteristic.

I could never hate Sasuke like so many fans of the series do. If you take a step back, the things that happened to him are so awful that there really isn't an acceptable way of dealing with them. At times, he acted completely psychotic, which I thought was understandable given what had happened prior to him acting that way. Some people irl have behaved just as psycho for going through less trauma.

how would you expect someone to react after finally getting revenge for their family's genocide and then finding out that it was all part of some village plot and his brother shouldered the burden for everyone to his ultimate death? Sasuke's insane reaction seems to be right in line to me.
I would expect Sasuke to actually RESPECT everything his brother fought and died for and not go punishing the innocent.

Sasuke knew that most of the village was unaware of what was happening to the uchiha, that the coup and genocide was the work of ONLY members of a select few of the leadership and that some members of the leadership even tried to STOP that situation from happening in the first place and worked to protect itachi. Sasuke basically knew that the ONLY ones guilty of itachi's suffering was Danzou and a few other elders and that everyone else was innocent... yet despite knowing that he decided he would destroy EVERYONE, regardless of their innocence because they unknowingly benefitted from itachi's suffering(he conveniently ignores that fact that he too was meant to benefit from Itachi's sacrifice aswell, but he effectively was throwing it away). This flies in the face of everything Itachi fought and died for; sasuke in essence was going to render Itachi's sacrifices all meaningless. Itachi sacrificed himself and went through hell to stop war and give sasuke a good future in Konoha and Sasuke just spat on his grave. His thinking was just totally backwards. Sasuke saw nothing wrong with trying to kill people who had nothing to do with itachi's suffering like Bee and he even went so far as to stab his own loyal allies in the back. Its all just disgusting.

And y'know i'm not even sure it even lines up with how a psycho would act in real life. With alot of them there is something very wrong about the way the think, like things they THINK are true that allows them to create a flawed rationalization for the horrible things they do. Like Bigots who rationalize their hatred for an entire race or group because they honestly believe that EVERY member of that group is the same. Sasuke doesn't have any such flawed rationalization to his actions; he's been told EXACTLY what happened and understands it; his actions are not only horrible but they also don't make sense even to his own mind.

And that is one of the major differences between Sarada and Sasuke. Sasuke's reaction to everything ultimately doesn't make much sense and THAT is what makes it less identifiable; I lost all sympathy for his character when he intended to harm those he KNEW were innocent. Sarada however, her reactions are actually believable; she reacts in the way most anyone would react in a similar situation. And really, none of it is her fault; Sarada is simply a victim of the circumstances that others put her in, and isn't really making things worst. Sasuke started like that, but then he went on to make the lives of others miserable and thus contribute to the problems that was started by others.

Last edited by Slayerx; 2015-06-02 at 09:45.
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