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Old 2015-06-01, 23:01   Link #161
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Marcus H. View Post
The November/AURA artwork of Pacific ships really are something of a different level to all the others. I read about the design concept of the USS Langley and they really put a lot of effort into going through the same brainstorming and research that the original Kancolle team has done. I also like how the USS Fleet Girls are much more mature looking than their IJN counterparts.

I bet their dream come true is for the concepts to be integrated into the game, but I wonder how the balancing will be handled.
In the Yorktown class case I'd prefer if they wouldn't.
At least not the final versiions.

I personally prefer their other version of Enterprise for example (Seeable on the Blog above too; link below).
Enterprise in particular looks more like jrHigh to me while all other Yorktown class carriers look like Last High School year/ Early college years.

The other things with them i find rather ironic is that they are all dressed as native americans, given how said people were pretty much screwed over by the colonists.
The native American skirts also look a bit out of place if you look at all the other ships they have drawn.

My suspicion is that it was done to justify the bows, which are again rather strange with all of them/almost all of them having also having a colt.
Said colt is what I would have expected them to launch their planes from btw, given the Americans trigger happy nature

That being said, putting Enterprise(not the linked design now) below Zuikaku's fuel tanks/plane storage level (ship design here) kinda surprised me. Especially since the other two carriers (of the same class) are apparently even in that regard.
And notably I wasn't even specifically looking there, the difference between the 3 of them is just so obvious that it jumps you right in the eye.

Peronsal opinion on it is:
Let them launch the planes from their colts and fix enterpise's chest and they'd be perfect.
The native amrican skirt just mad eme say 'Oh the irony'.

That being said, I almost got a E (haha E, get it?) in Art once so my opinions on art are probably just worth the trash bin anyway.

And don't get me wrong here I don't say the Yorktown class carriers look bad (In fact they look pretty good) above is just personal taste/wondering about certain design decisions.

The other designs, especially the Battleships, yes please!
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.

Last edited by AC-Phoenix; 2015-06-01 at 23:29.
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