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Old 2015-06-01, 11:38   Link #57
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Originally Posted by Dickdatduck More View Post
There are a few characters that use the Sharingan but how is the series about the Sharingan? and how is it any more/less of a plot device then the Tailed beasts or the Rinnegan? I know people have a hate-boner for Sasuke but it seems like when it comes to him the fandom tends to accentuate the negative.
Well we have not just sasuke and itachi, but we also have our main villians with obito and madara. The Rinnegan itself was an advanced form of the Sharigan. Their entire evil plan relied on using said eye techniques to ensnare everyone in a genjutsu with the moon. Not to mention we had Danzou with his sharigan arm. Heck its actually getting rather ridiculous that so many of these eyes were kept (Isn't Anbu supposed to prevent stuff like this). And when you think about it, Sasuke's entire subplot about his hate for Konoha was kind of irrelevant to the entire war that was going on. It was relevant for Madara and Obito, but less so for Sasuke...

and now we are once again got sharigan obsession. Was there really nothing else that Kishi could have done?

Originally Posted by Artful_Dodger View Post
Lets just be honest here, even if he did give her a simple apology, it wouldn't matter to you as you'd still be here bashing the character, the sharingan, and anything else associated. I guess its just what you guys are used to doing.
Well ofcourse, the lack of an apology is only the LEAST of Sasuke's problems. It still would not fix all of his other failings as a father. Even when you consider his secret mission there are mutliple ways he could have put in the tiniest bit of effort to be a better father. Really pointing out the lack of apology from sasuke is just a snarky joke about how sasuke is such a bad father that he can't even get the simplest gestures right. Its a symptom of a much bigger problem

Sasuke earned his hate through his countless screw ups in the last series, the very LEAST he could do is STOP screwing up, but we can't get that.

I wonder if you were acting like such an outraged family counselor when Itachi acted the same way with Sasuke, back when he was looking for answers.
Well yes actually. Itachi's entire plan to allow sasuke to hate him in order to make him stronger was counter productive to his goal of wanting sasuke to remain alive and part of Konoha. Itachi, as a peace loving person and one of the most powerful uchiha, should know that hatred is NOT the only way for a ninja to become strong. Hatred can make you strong but it also poses the risk of sending you down a villainous path (Madara/obito/sasuke). That hatred that's been festering inside sasuke is what drove him to seek help from Villians and what made him turn against and try to kill his friends. This kind of hatred was making it impossible for Sasuke to return to Konoha and be a happy part of it. His hardon for hatred is also ultimately what led to his desire to destroy konoha, the village that Itachi sacrificed everything to protect. Itachi sacrificed everything so that Sasuke would not have to deal with war and sasuke ended up wanting to start a war. Its really screwed up.

A much better idea would have been to leave sasuke alone and not egg him on any further. Allow Kakashi to raise him right and turn him into the kind of man who would hunt down itachi out of hate and vengence, but for justice; Sasuke needed to learn to get over his hate, not embrace it. Itachi became the most powerful uchiha of his time and he was ultimately a loving and unselfish person; sasuke could have done the same. I'd even say sasuke WAS on that path until Itachi decided to show up again and mess with his head to reinforce his hatred

Sasuke actually had alot of self/clan-discovery going on; but I guess the standards change when he is invovled
I like WELL DONE stories of self-discovery. Sasuke's story started out well but it started to drag out in part 2 and then just turned to complete nonsense after he killed itachi.
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