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Old 2015-05-28, 12:24   Link #34
The First Rasengan!!
Join Date: Nov 2007
Ok, the story is kinda falling apart for me.
There is no moon in the Naruto dimension/earth until Kaguya is sealed thousands of years ago.
But a few times it has been mentioned that Kaguya used infinite tsukiyomi on people before.
But as I understand it a moon is needed for the moons eye plan right?? if not then fine (she levitates to the sky and then casts the genjutsu. bam. all she wrote) but if so, then she had to have been elsewhere when she did it. like another planet or galaxy or parallel dimension. my question here then is, if zetus were meant to be soldiers, was the original casting of the jutsu not successful? or did she lose the battle thus escaping to earth to recreate more soldiers?
and if what sasuke is saying is correct, have the victors of that battle finally caught up to Kaguya (her descendants)? were those victors called the akatsuki? (keeping in mind that black zetsu takes credit for foundation of akatsuki so that wasnt necessarily something that originated on earth).

sigh. just rambling until the full story is revealed...

also mature sakura looks awesome.
Mokujin Rasengan
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