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Old 2015-05-14, 16:06   Link #31
Searcher of Paradise!
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post

I think Hinata served the purpose Kishi made her for when Boruto was born. Though really, Kishi spends so little time on her character, its like he treats she's just an afterthought. Oh I'm sure maybe Kishi had some nice ideas at first, She had her own backstory and would be Naruto's love interest but he never really thought about their development or their chemistry. Then he got so distracted trying to develop his Naruto vs Sasuke plotline that he kind of forgot about her; he only occasionally remembered he wanted to do stuff with her character and then found ways to shoehorn her into the plot in an attempt to keep her relevant. Its kind of sad really as she DID have some very interesting story potential....
heh as true as parts of that is, I do have to say this, romance was never a focal point in this series, Kishimoto said romance wasn't his strong suit and he was bad writing it but whether you believe that or think he said it to cover his own ass is up to the person, excuse or not I really can't fault anyone who straight up says yeah I'm bad at writing romance, I still however believe Hinata was just an unfortunate victim to bad timing and editorial meddling ontop of "bad writing" as well, but see here's the thing, if I hate it so much then I should simply stop reading so I am giving this series a fair shot before I reach a final conclusion

so that being said, I'm still clinging to hope that while I understand it can't be the starring role that Hinata will make some kind of appearance instead of writing it off and stating well she served her purpose oh well...heh guess I am a bit of a dreamer lol
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