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Old 2015-05-14, 12:22   Link #22
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Originally Posted by cyberdemon View Post
It's shipping. They're just trying to prove that Naruto is unhappy being with Hinata and his children and it never would've happened if NaruSaku or SasuNaru had happened. They claim it isn't a shipping matter but they just make it more blatant over and over that it very much is about shipping.
wow. that is pretty intense delusional thinking. I haven't seen those comments for myself, but I imagine there could be some possible case studies in there for psychological issues.

Fact is that being Hokage is a 24/7 job. No matter who he had ended up with, he wouldn't have been able to be their for them at all times either.
if anything I see it as Naruto being an even better Dad than most. I have no doubt that he thinks of all the village's children as his own much like Hiruzen did (I'm sure his own kids get more attention of course). Naruto was an orphan so he could relate to all of them and he probably sees the importance of kids being raised by a village and not just their own parents if they are lucky enough to still have them.
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