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Old 2015-05-03, 15:26   Link #87
Gamilas Falls
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Republic of California
Age: 46
However, on a gaming level, should they continue on for more than another year, they will need to add Allied shipgirls in order to maintain a quota of large rewards for events.

Why is this? Because at this point, unless they start going into never where ship or ships that were built before Kongo, the IJN has exactly one capital ship left to bring out as an event reward. The armored carrier Shinano.

Even if they stay with just Axis vessels, there is a very limited pool of capital ships left that aren't functionally weaker than Fuso and Kongo. The German Navy has one more 15 inch gun battleship (Tirpitz) and then two 11 inch gun battlecruisers (Scharnhorst-class) along with the three 11 inch gun armed armored cruisers (pocket battleships) and a pair of very old 11 inch gun armed pre-dreadnoughts. Most of the 11 inch armed ships will be undergunned verse any existing battleship ship girl, thought the battlecrusiers will have reasonable range and were designed to have their main batteries swapped out for 15 inch guns. It was started for the last one, but never finished as Hitler was done with the Navy by the end of 1943. There is also the unfinished carrier Graf Zepplin.

The Italian Navy had one remaining completed 15 inch gun battleship and one incompleted battleship of that same class. In addition they have four dreadnought of Kongo's age that had been heavily upgraded to 10 x 320mm cannons and 27 knots. They would still be undergunned compared to Fuso. They Italians had one or two incomplete aircraft carriers under construction during the war.

If the game designers don't want to add ships that are functional worse than the Fuso-class and not as useful as the Kongo-class, that the Axis have basically two battleships left to add and one carrier. The two German battlecruisers might be viable as their 11 inch guns had extreme range and accuracy as Scharnhorst share the record for longest range ship to ship gunnery hit with HMS Warspite at around 24,000 meters. The pocket battleships are functionally no better than a Japanese heavy cruiser, just their 11 inch guns will be able to penetrate thicker armor.

The Allies have a huge reserve of capital ships to exploit by the game designers. Even before they started building their new fast battleships, the UK and US had 15 battleships each. Of which only USS Wyoming is reasonably inferior to Fuso, with the New York and Nevada classes being around the same. The fast battleships add potentally 6 more British ships (if Vangard is kept) and 10 more American ships. Add to this the aircraft carriers. The British had seven carriers at the start of the war (three Couragous-class, Argus (tiny), Hermes (tiny), Eagle (tiny), and Ark Royal (very lightly armored deck)). Then built four Illustrious-class armored carriers, two Implacable-class armored carriers, light carrier Unicorn, and seven of ten Colossus-class light carriers finished during the war.

For the Americans, there are seven carriers in service at war's start. Then an additional 14 of 24 Essex-class carriers that saw action in the war, and 9 Independance-class light carriers. This makes for a lot of potental growth in the game in terms of event rewards.

Remaining Axis capital ships: 3 (16 maximum)
Potential Allied capital ships: 96 (roughly)
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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