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Old 2015-05-02, 04:17   Link #80
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by scififan View Post
You make it sounds more like Axis games afterall. You are aware IJN risked their Kongou class cruisers to trash Henderson Airfield. IJN even armed their sailors. In case Kongou was sunk, their sailors will land and join JPN army. Kongou took down one airfield, but they didn't realize there was another airfield. During another battles, IJN learned their opponents can quickly patch the airfield by using bulldozers. Besides, Italian navy stayed in their ports most of time. During their night battle with British navy, Italian cruisers were wipeout. Due to British navy's radar, Italian navy was totally defenseless. So, Italian were more into special force operation on the sea.

Even with the primitive radar system, IJN still defeated Britain's Far East Fleet. So, they didn't see Britain as the major threat. British navy didn't see IJN as major threat either. British navy's prime force are in North Sea. Price of Wales was a symbolic parade of their presence. To sink Bismarck, Britain sent out all its top ships. One of them is their Flag Ship, George. The risk of losing George would shake the pride of British navy(as sunk of Yamato to IJN). Maybe not for Yamato druing her final mission, IJN only ordered for one way fuel. IJN figured out nothing could get worse.

Why they made Kan Colle? I think typical Japanese historical fans have better impression on Japanese navy and army. The food in Japanese navy was better than their army counterpart. On Yamato, they have ice cream making machine, soda making machine, air conditioner and chef from the best restaurants.

You are welcome to correct me if you have the different naval historical facts.
I have no idea what you want to tell me with anything past the first sentence.
My point was that it isn't too alien to add italian ships to the game, and that by doing that they'd play it rather safe considering how the Italians wee both amongst the Allies as well as the Axis powers.
The other point was that another ship that could have been added was prince of wales since there the event was close to her launch date.

Whether she was actually there doesn't really matter in that regard because Bismarck was nowhere near the pacific either.
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