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Old 2015-04-27, 17:45   Link #67
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Originally Posted by Jiminy View Post
1. If you want to risk a major diplomatic crisis with the most powerful nation in Mahouka you may try but the government and the other 27 Clans would most probably intervene and I doubt Koudu is still strong enough to resist against everyone else.

2. The Yotsubas relationship with house Koudu isn't really good. And most importantly they care only for themselves. To take such a big risk without getting an even bigger benefit? No the Yotsubas are not that dumb. At least not as long as Maya is still in charge,

3. I doubt Lina is really a member of house Koudu. She belongs to the Shields family and is only related to the Koudus. Unlike the Fouchibayashi, the Shields , if I'm right, is a powerful family in the USNA. For example if someone from House Bernadotte (Swedish royalty) would marry into house Windsor then in no way would the Bernadottes become a branch family of House Windsor. Moreover Linas name is Angelina Shields. She added the Koudu only for her visit in Japan I think.

4. The USNA will NEVER allow a Strategic Class Mage to leave just to take over some clan in an "allied"/rivalling country. You should ignore the Japanese perspective here. All that matters is what the USNA are planing for her. Magicians are property. The wishes of house Koudu in this matter can be classified as daydreaming. What they want with her does not matter because the Koudus are too weak to enforce it. Not against such opponents and not in the "current" diplomatic environment.

5. I doubt Lina would want to become Head of a MC. She doesn't know any Koudus. She isn't trained to take this job. Moreover I wouldn't want to risk so much in order to leave a prison just to enter another one. The job description of a head-commander of stars and the head of a 10MC is much too similar.

6. The part about Minoru not living very long isn't certain yet. Tatsuyas diagnosis might lead to a treatment. And even more important than that: there are other kids of house Koudu who have precedence over him and they will claim their right believe me.

I want Lina to return but not like that.
Tatsuya called out to Lina instead.
"Is there something else?"
From her words alone it could be interpreted that Lina was still annoyed, but her voice was not as sullen as her words.
The air of being cornered a while ago had disappeared.
"If you wish to retire from the Stars......"
"If you ever wish to quit being a soldier, I think I could help. No, it's not that I have any power, but there are people I know who could be of service."

""The feelings I have towards Lina are not the kind you think. Bluntly speaking, I simply think it'd be convenient in the future if Lina were to leave the Stars. If possible not just exit the army, but move here. Naturalising as a Japanese citizen would be best." "

Clearly the possibility of Lina naturalising in Japan exsits even if it's difficult. You say that Lina is like "property" but that isn't really the case. From what we have seen in the mahouka world and from what we know of Tatsuya's situation their respective governments can't literally legally force them into the army.

Sure if Lina left she would be under 24/7 surveillance (Or attempted 24/7 surveillance), they may even try to secretly assassinate her but clearly they can't legally force her to remain in the army.

(I'm not saying I think Lina should/could become the next Kudou head, this post is purely addressing the point of "The USNA will never allow it", obviously she could leave the USNA army and naturalise in Japan if she had powerful backing to do so, or at the very least Tatsuya believes she could.)
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