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Old 2015-04-08, 08:06   Link #59
Searcher of Paradise!
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Ontario, Canada
Heh and that's what ALWAYS made predicting a sequel series that difficult, because as far as we know we can only go by the information and characters that are already presented to us, as a result Authors can always add in new characters or setting or powers and we'd have no idea, they can really turn into a real wild card when it comes to making predictions, like for instance we guess that Boruto will be on a three team with Salade (hey for all you know maybe they won't but the tiny facts seems to say they will be on a team) and for the third member or even their sensei? All we can guess is amoung the available characters which aren't that many, and if there is a totally brand new character used to fill in this role than we won't know anything about them until we actually read about it lol
"No matter how much pain we feel, we can't close our hearts to it"
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