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Old 2015-04-07, 08:07   Link #54
Searcher of Paradise!
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted by kampfer91 View Post
Seems currently Naruto stuck with paperwork that he hardly has any time to spend with his family . As for Hinata , i think she would rather looks after her family and her clan .

I hope Sasuke would be the one to teach jutsu to Boruto , just like Jiraiya did .

Oh right , Juunko is back to voice Naruto again .
Yeah again why would they change Naruto's voice actor? There has been VERY VERY few cases especially in a Shounen Jump series where the voice Seiyuu was EVER changed and that's usually due to the Seiyuu having a falling out, or being unable to do the role anymore or even dying (but even then they would only replace the Seiyuu if there still a need for the character otherwise they'd retire the character) Japan takes their voice acting VERY seriously. I remember a while back hearing some people state they hoped they changed Naruto's actress to "sound more mature" but I know better that even decades from now when they do another voiced Naruto role they're going keep asking Junko much like how they keep asking Masako Nozawa to voice Goku in even the latest DBZ stuff you can't get rid of an iconic voice!

And I don't think its TOTAL ignoring of his family, I think the problem is Naruto can't spend alot of time during the day (the times Boruto would be awake)...oh but I think he saves that energy for night, you know to spend it ALL night long with his beautiful wife, Hinata heh heh

But yeah we know Naruto will learn that he needs to spend time with his family and this mini series going to end with Boruto turning out alright and appreciating his father for everything he's done but as well find his own path to be a great man...
"No matter how much pain we feel, we can't close our hearts to it"

Last edited by Avalon64; 2015-04-07 at 08:19.
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