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Old 2015-04-05, 14:08   Link #215
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I'll answer these as well, since they're good questions for a lot of people out there in the wider world, including some anime fans.

Originally Posted by Fizix View Post
I've got a few questions before I check this show out. I've seen it praised quite a bit as being a clever deconstruction so I'm interested.

1. What's the level of fan service like? (My tolerance level is generally that it fast becomes irritating and if it goes inappropriate its a fast track for abandonment)

2. Does it have a conclusion or is it one of those "check the source material" type shows?

3. Does it have the type of tropes the less tolerant of us might find weird? (I know that's a bad question but I hope its clear what I mean).

4. Is the English dub good? (I am happy with subs but prefer dubbed if its of a decent standard)
1. For sexual content, Madoka Magica is very clean. No pantyshots whatsoever to the best of my recollection. Minimal sexualisation. The transformation scenes are sometimes long and elaborate, but even they are pretty tasteful considering what many magical girl transformation scenes are like.

2. The TV series has a clear and firm conclusion. The movies have an open-ended ending, but you don't need any extra-anime materials to understand it.

3. Nothing weirder than the classic SHAFT head-tilt. Those can be weird/creepy, but then they tend to show up in moments that are intended to be weird/creepy (i.e. they support the intended tone of the scene, rather than nastily conflicting with it).

4. Yes, I think so. The voice-work is pretty good all-around, with only slight problems (ex. Mami sounds old for her age in English but otherwise has a voice that nicely suits the character).
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