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Old 2015-03-31, 18:58   Link #503
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Age: 31
Originally Posted by Mr. Dent View Post
Eh, I believe it. This character is the same as the one in the teaser pamphlet. The outfit is the only thing different. If anything is a prank, I'd say it's the Visual Art's/Key collaboration bit, since that's the only thing that wasn't previously announced or hinted at.
Speaking about collaboration works. R07 did say that he could do another work along the lines of Rewrite in the staff room of Hou. Foreshadowing maybe. Anyhow, what exactly does that "3 worlds" thing mean for his new work? I'm confused.

Originally Posted by chaos_alfa View Post
There is at least more or less a western revival of the stageplay. Someone on Steam forum has stated that he is planning to perform it and has gotten the approval of Ryukishi. Maybe that has something to do with the statement.
Yeah, I actually forgot to mention that here. He sent me a message some weeks ago for the games script from Hou for a stage play adaptation. He even got permission from R07 which is cool, and he also sent me what he said. Here's it here.

"You are free to do whatever you wish with the script, as Higurashi is
originally a free IP. I've seen fans do numerous indie games and individual
scores. So I don't see any problem with someone who has talent to make this
play a reality.

Feel free to contact me anytime if you have any further questions

Evangelion, Higurashi, Terra Formars and video game translations
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