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Old 2015-03-31, 13:35   Link #9
Join Date: Nov 2014
When discussing the good and bad points one has to separate the first half and the second half of the anime. While not perfect the first half showed many good points:
  • Instead of trying to justify the premise, the basic background of the show is just stated. Probably the best way to not break the viewers' suspension of disbelief when dealing with girls scatting on water while fighting monsters.
  • Important characters are introduced as characters and not just game references. We get to know them a bit and can understand their actions and worries, except the special one.
  • The comedy bits are funny. If four little destroyers try to cook with a flamethrower, it's funny because thats funny and not just a game reference.
  • Fubuki as a main character is rather plain and generic, but paired with other characters, e.g. the special one who's just mad mad mad, we can relate to her as the only sane one. Also as the main character she plays an important role, but isn't the centre of the world.
  • Good separation between comedy and drama. Even if both are present in an episode, because they a separated the mood of each scene is clear.
  • Killing off a character. Even if the general theme is rather light-hearted, by sinking a girl the battles are more than just a sports exercise.
  • The air admiral is not used as a character, but rather as a force dictating the action of the girls.

In general the first half was very entertaining and a good build up to the second half where more serious elements could be dealt with. And now the bad points 'shine':
  • Bad pacing of plot elements. If Fubuki's jealousy of Poi or her obsession with exp is dealt within 5 minutes it fells more like filler instead of proper character development.
  • Bad introduction of plot elements. If remodelling is a big deal then is has to be established why. From an pure anime perspective I have still no clue how Fubuki's remodelling actually affected the story.
  • Bad separation between comedy and drama. If Fubuki cries in the arms of the special one, I don't want to see Hiei making her antics. If we are in the middle of the final fight I don't want to see an overused yuri joke.
  • If the fights with the abyssal are supposed to be more than sports exercises you need more than a token death at the beginning.
  • Important characters are game references and not introduced as characters. Who is Taiho?
  • The air admiral is used as a character instead just being a force dictating the action of the girls.
  • The lazy final.
  • Midway Himes dying line implies that she more than just a monster. It's kind of impressive by turning her into a plain monster the anime manages to fuck up one of the few story elements the game actually possesses.
While there were ups and downs the overall impression of the series was quite good. The second half of the season wasn't as good as the first half, but still enjoyable with episode 11 being a really good setup for a great final.

With the final: ok

Without the final: good
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