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Old 2015-03-27, 00:14   Link #89
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Originally Posted by Academus View Post
I believe the anime is an adaptation of the game rather than the war. In the game, you only lose kanmusu when you push your luck. In other words, in the game's world, you sink your own kanmusu. In anime, your kanmusu could sink any moment, and you have no control over it, nor any way to prevent it. Is that consistent with reality? Yes. Is that consistent with the game? No. Any subsequent mentioning of Kisaragi's sinking only serves to highlight that the adaptation is in name only.
Let me give you another idea. If you suspend disbelief and assume the world of KanColle does exist, then the game and anime are but representations of that world. Under these terms, what do you think is more likely in that world?

1) Kanmusu really don't die unless they go into battle taiha.
2) Kanmusu do die, but the game softballs that part.

If you think about how games that represent the real world go, the answer should be obvious.

Even if Kanmusu generally don't die, given that they are hurling shells at each other, a very likely reason in-world reason why they don't is because the Abyssals try not to kill kanmusu (they are after all, their only entertainment). They try to neutralize rather than kill and once that's achieved, as a rule they go on other targets. Sometimes the kanmusus try too hard, struggling to their feet, and the Abyssals spray a couple of rounds in their general direction*. Only when they are too stubborn does some Abyssal shoot the girl dead (perhaps sighing in its mind). The game approximates these tendencies, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the Abyssals can't make a mistake in the real universe, or one can't change its mind. Kisaragi just happened to be that one, and since such things do happen from time to time, all kanmusu fear sinking.

*Which if true says something interesting about us, because we typically cheer when an Abyssal fires on our already Heavily Damaged kanmusu, even calling such kanmusu things like "meat shield"...
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