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Old 2015-03-26, 19:38   Link #97
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Age: 42
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Well, it seems that they decided to go for an explosive and pretty straightforward Total Happy end.

The pros to that was some nice character moments, and a good end for almost all the characters, including the ones I was particularly fond of.

The cons is that it made the Abyssals look a bit worse (Flower's point on the Kitakami and Oi big moment definitely applies ), and it cheapens the series slightly, given its military premise. Only slightly, though, as the show only very lightly flirted with "dark" and "serious". I can certainly think of some anime shows that had its own Total Happy end that felt more out of left field than this one did.

Aside from that, it did have some QUALITY issues, but I'm inclined to largely let them slide since it can't be easy to animate an episode of almost non-stop combat action.

It was a largely pleasing episode, so taking the negatives into account, I give this one 8/10.

On the whole, Kancolle was a good simple entertainment watch with a likeable cast and a decent but not fantastic plot. A mostly strong central character arc for Fubuki, and a good mix of entertainment and substance from other major characters (especially Kongou), makes Kancolle's simple plot work as well as it possibly could.
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