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Old 2015-03-26, 18:56   Link #94
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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Well in the end I'd say that was pretty darn average.

This really just turned into a war of Fate vs. Plot. With Akagi whining about fate while the fact that the writers were on her side literally saved her life. So much so that they actually retconned the cliffhanger from last week . Or maybe they actually forgot how the previous episode ended, I put nothing behind the writing staff on this show . I know that sometimes shows do that kind of thing, but I still think that's utter bs. Create drama, sure. But actually follow through with it.

Plus even Kitakami survived!? Really!? That was sigh worthy enough, but the long scene that followed in yuri mode was just goofy. "No please feel free to have your moment, we the enemies that are terrible will just sit here and wait for you to kill us."

Plus sinking the super Wo offscreen was just....wasn't that supposed to be a big foe? Was that enemy really so unimportant that we couldn't see it sink?

The episode wasn't a total waste....Kongou was still in it . Yamato got her chance to shine finally and was pretty awesome at blowing things up. There was some fun little moments in there. And I guess it's nice that the admiral came back...from wherever....with a message they already knew .

I just think this is a really easy episode to find the negatives in.
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