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Old 2015-03-26, 15:32   Link #80
Gravitas Free Zone
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
"The budget ran out": Super Wo being sunk offscreen between two camera cuts.

Airfield/Midway Hime gets a tiny bit of dialogue, which consists mostly of game audio clips, while the actual Big Bad, Wo, has no dialogue because game Wo doesn't have any dialogue.

I had the realization then that the Strike Witches Neuroi would have been just as good as villains. There's just about as much characterization, but they never bothered to talk. I am probably spoiled here by all of the Abyssal fan art, but in the end, the anime didn't even try to make the Abyssals more interesting than the generic mooks of the week. Wo could have been interesting, and there was that tiny glimpse where an Abyssal ship took the bullet for Wo, hinting at something more interesting going on, but that went nowhere in this season.
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