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Old 2015-03-26, 08:23   Link #66
Labda Prakarsa Nirwikara
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Pekanbaru (UTC+07:00)
Age: 37
Okay, finally watched eps 12. Some noticeable points:
-Oh hey, Akagi didn't die. I am completely and utterly surprised by that /SARCASM
-"So what does this makes us, Kongou-san?" "Big Damn Heroes, Bucky!"
-Wow, this FATE talk is getting seriously meta
-Obligatory lesbians made the OP pose
-Airfield turned into Midway Hime. OK, I genuinely didn't expect that. Whatevs, BOOBS!
-Have I mentioned how meta this whole Destiny and Fate thing is?
-Looks like Nagato gets to be Big Damn Heroes too. Wait, why did Yamato look pissed at that?
-Loli squadron has arrived. Khorosho.
-Wait, Ryuujou and Jun'you only got shown in the distance and from the back? Boo!
-Nagato PAWNCH! Nagato KICK!
-Abyssals have force shields now?!
-OH NOES, they just keep coming. looks like we need more Big Damn Heroes. But is there still a foreshadowed character that has yet to appe- FUCK YES TAIHOU!
-Looks like the Admiral's internet connection is fixed (shit, now I'm going meta too)
-Final Round of Love, Courage and Hope, RAWR!!! Oh wait, wrong series
-Wait, Kisaragi's pin? So she's the leak after all? And was that Hoppo whispering on Fubuki's head?

Right, might as well give my final impression:
Was it full of cliche? Were the battles sometimes odd or silly? Was the noseless CG bad? Yes, yes and Yes.

But you know what? It's adapted from a practically story-less browser game. That fact alone had put my expectations nearly rock bottom at the start, and it turned out better than I expected. The CG was tolerably rare, the non-CG's were pretty, Fubuki's waaaay cuter than her game counterpart, Kongou is spotlight thief, they didn't shove pantyshots to my fucking face like Strike Bitc- err, I mean Witches....and I fucking love the Soundtrack.

Could it have been better? Well, duh. MI just isn't the same without Akitsu Maru bitchslapping Midway with her guns and planes, and I can't believe there's zero submarines and Germans present, but eh, everybody has their non-appearing waifus to complain about . It's from a fucking Free-to-Play browser game, the trailers never promised something groundbreaking and cerebral, and I sure as hell never expected them. I like what I got. Besides, there's plenty of doujins for the non-usual (and thus more commercially risky) stories out there whenever I'm in the mood.

Am I gonna watch the sequel? Sure, why not.
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