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Old 2015-03-26, 05:37   Link #72
Myssa Rei
Moderate Haruhiist
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Metro Manila, Philippines
Age: 42
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From a game-player's perspective, the Admiral was pretty incompetent actually -- lots of the stuff shown, like not stockpiling resources prior to an important Event, are no-nos among veteran players (for example, in the actual in-game Midway Event, I had amassed 400+ buckets and 100k+ resources in prep for it). Nevermind the implication that they only managed to win in the final episode because the admiral used his credit card to buy the 10-bucket pack from Akashi's shop.

That said, I'm fine if the series keeps the same character dynamics for the sequel, for continuity's sake. However, the production really has to get a better screenwriter -- the two-screenwriter thing didn't really work, as it just caused whiplash between the serious vs. SOL segments.

Last edited by Myssa Rei; 2015-03-26 at 06:56.
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