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Old 2015-03-25, 19:33   Link #53
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Iwakawa Base
Age: 32
Originally Posted by blitz1/2 View Post
Why does the opinion of the anime only viewers matter more than the game players? KC is based on a game with ship girls. WIth anime viewers, you can already go ??? at the shinkaisen kan, arrows becoming planes, the bath scenes and well, the buckets is the game mechanics.

That's like saying that in war, you don't need to be afraid of injuries and shrapnel wounds but only need to be afraid of death.
I never said anime viewers' opinions matter more. What bugs me is that making too many insider references (especially the joking kind of) practically disables anime viewers from giving an opinion to begin with because they don't even know what the hell people are talking about. To me, this is a matter of respect.

If anime viewers question things that happen in-anime then they can simply ask if they really want to know.

Being irrelevant aside, no, it's not. Sure, you fear getting injuries. So what? You're going into war so of course you expect to get injured, however you do not expect to die. Therefore death is what you fear primarily.
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