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Old 2015-03-25, 19:16   Link #49
Tenshi's Defense Squadron
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Fighting against those who oppress the system
Originally Posted by Seihai View Post
Which further underlines the fact anime viewers are being alienated (probably one reason why so few of them can be seen around here) and only means you have to be extra careful to not make anime viewers go "???".

Well yeah, you have to take heavy damage to sink but in the end it's the sinking that is feared, not the damage itself.
Why does the opinion of the anime only viewers matter more than the game players? KC is based on a game with ship girls. WIth anime viewers, you can already go ??? at the shinkaisen kan, arrows becoming planes, the bath scenes and well, the buckets is the game mechanics.

That's like saying that in war, you don't need to be afraid of injuries and shrapnel wounds but only need to be afraid of death.

hai, hai. Onii-chan has his work cut out for him.
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