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Old 2015-03-18, 20:16   Link #82
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Brazil
I'm wondering about possible implications regarding the orders Nachi got.Why not reveal to them before going? The enemy seems to know their code, but they could always have told them before going out just like what was done with the plan for this mission. So it makes me think there may be a spy, or at least Nagato or the admiral think so. Be it an spy on their naval base or on a different one. It would also explain how the Abyssal seems to know the actual base they would attack to lay their trap, even thought they used a fake base name in communications and had a decoy attack. And since the mission began they had radio silence.

Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
If nobody would get sunk in the final fight why even bother sinking Kirisaki in the first place? That death in the 3rd episode gave us the thrill of shipgirls death being possible thus there being the possibility to see your favorite die on screen. If Kirisaki remains the sole vicitm then that would feel kind of off.
Not really, Kisaragi sinking did its job: making we realize it's possible for them to sink so we get more tense at the battles. But like I said before, I don't think anyone major will sink now (maybe someone off screen like how it may have been the case with that light carrier), on the very end, for a few reasons:

As it was said in an interview, the show is about Fubuki grow. Fubuki having been training to protect the others, specially Akagi and fight the enemy planes, so I would expect to see the result of that grow at the end with she saving them.

Akagi death would be important for Fubuki's grown, but that would have had to happen earlier, preferably at a middle point of the show. If it happens now it would be incredible cheapened out, as there isn't time to portray it well.

A lot about this episode was changing that fate that seems to be leading the ship-girls to their demise. So I would expect them to actually be able to change it properly. Some shows would prefer to take a darker path, and while I tend to love those kinds of shows, that's not what this anime have been building up too.
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