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Old 2015-03-18, 19:53   Link #80
James Rye
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Germany
If nobody would get sunk in the final fight why even bother sinking Kirisaki in the first place? That death in the 3rd episode gave us the thrill of shipgirls death being possible thus there being the possibility to see your favorite die on screen. If Kirisaki remains the sole vicitm then that would feel kind of off.

Given the ending, I think Fubuki returned alone, letting Kongou wait for the Yamato fleet, just in time to aid the main fleet but to late to help Akagi. As we have seen with Shouhou, once a shipgirl burns, that's pretty much it. You can't carry somebody home in your arms who's burning like a forest in Californien.

And no matter how good Fubuki became or how much the Admiral wanted her in the plan due her AA-guns and skills - there is simply no way Fubuki could save Akagi now, not from a dropped torpedo. She would need all the luck of her entire life combinded to land a shot on the torpedo to make it expldoe before it hit Akagi and that from probably quite a distance as well.
I think, Akagi is earning her decision's results. If she had kept Fubuki at her side, then Fubuki would have surely shot down those planes targeting Akagi before they could have dropped the bombs on her. But so, Fubuki cannot do anything, but shout her admiration's name.

So yeah, my money is on Akagi burning, the other shipgirls reuniting and trying to get a hold of the situation and making their stand to possibly saving Akagi. But the Abyssals will give them a hard time and maybe even sink one or two of the shipgirls or at least hurt quite a lot of them in the process to rescue Akagi somehow despite her burning.
Then to avoid further casulties the fleet has to retreat meaning somebody has to sink Akagi because who knows what the Abyssals would do to a captured shipgirl. And well, then the fight is pretty much over once they hit the Yamato fleet who will rekt the Abyssal pursuers. The rest of the episode will be about the grieve of the loss of Akagi and possibly Kitakami as well.

I could be wrong though. :P
Wouldn't liked it much though if we get a happy ending without a single shipgirl going down in the final fight of the 1st season. <.<
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