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Old 2015-03-18, 14:03   Link #28
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Kakurin-san View Post
The lone bomb hit on Akagi was dropped by Richard Best from Enterprise's VB-6. But can we just stop making guesses which Abyssal might represent which USN ship? If we apply that logic then Flagship Kai Wo right there is Yorktown, Hornet and Enterprise rolled into one.

And if we want to be very exact, the USN didn't get into a surface engagement at Midway and the USN sure didn't have any CLTs (the Abyssal Chi-class that appeared here).
As I already said in my earlier post - we already know they can't be either of the carriers, due to lore reasons established in EP 1.
Which is why it would be nice to actually see at least their planes appearing and shootingg down abyssals.

If what Akagi says is true the US ships would right now be in the general area, and could actually help shooting the abyssals down.

Don't get me wrong there I'm positive it won't happen, but it would be a nice way to end the show, considering that they aren't really enemies atm.

Originally Posted by blitz1/2 View Post
So, maybe Teitoku went AWOL to buy DMM points to purchase some extra buckets, and maybe the 5th DIvision may return along with Taihou as reinforcements.
Or he is just idling and doesn't get it because Nagato isn't a load enough boat to wake him up .

Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
Looks like Agaki's dream is actually very different from the reality besieds carrying an unmoving Kaga. In her dream we see Souryuu and Kitakami getting hit, but we also see Mogami, Haruna and Kirishima there instead of Yuudachi, Hiei and Kongou who together with Fubuki was told to stay behind and wait for Yamato and her fleet.

Also can anybody enlighten me who Akagi is talking about when she says "I'm sorry. I couldn't protect her."?

Her dream is probably supposed to be the actual midway, with her carrier hull being replaced by her humanoid form until the last scene.
The ships actually remember how they were sunk, in the game its mostly when they get sunk(Nagato), moderately damaged(Bismarck) or dream(Nagato) though.

Yuudachi even remembers the name of her captain.

Spoiler for Yuudachi's Kai Ni Game sinking line:
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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