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Old 2015-03-18, 13:43   Link #21
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
3 Enemy carriers, no surprise there.
So the one eyed carrtier might be there to represent Enterprise, since the bombers that hit akagi apparently belonged to her.

This episode makes me really want to know where the US fleet girls are atm, snce e already know that they can't be the US ships at all, due to the intro pretty much stating the problem is global.

I doubt it will happen, but it would be nice if the US Ships would make an actual appearance now (Not in form of their anger/regret/Yang side or whatever the abyssals are) and help shoot the Abyssal carriers down.
At least according to Akagi they sghould at least be in the general area.

I just hope Kitakami didn't sink back there.

As for Akagi - My bet goes to Fubuki shooting the bomb down.
At least there is some light for Yamato though: As a fleet girl sending her to Okinawa makes little sense, since she can't become stationary by sinking in shallow water anymore.

Also for Akagi, see the quote in my signature :P

At least we won't see any scuttling.
Would make no sense as long as they don't tell us that the abyssals could assiminlate Akagi and Kaga
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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