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Old 2015-03-09, 15:22   Link #36
Join Date: Jun 2009
He is right, mahouka has a lot more detractors than it has fans in the west. It is wildly popular in Japan and the SAO crowd were very quick to jump on it here when the anime started, but most of them hated it and left. The first volume's themes ran in stark contrast to their own liberal ideologies, in particular the thing about preference of magic-centered clubs not being discrimination, but rather just correct allocation of resources in a meritocracy. Utilitarianism is tantamount to satanism to these people. Adding to this, Tatsuya wasn't a limp wristed useless schmuck, he went against the mold and was therefore branded a mary sue.

I don't see how you can argue mahouka is sexist unless you are implying that it has positive sexism instead of negative sexism. Which I am pretty sure no one cares for. There's a reason the model minority stereotype exists.
Miyuki is not GI Jane, this alone is enough to make certain people fly into a fit of rage.
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