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Old 2015-03-04, 13:55   Link #64
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Join Date: May 2010
Age: 33
Originally Posted by Ritzu07 View Post
i stumbled on this vids @ 4:35.. and i didnt know musashi use different ammo color to its AAA guns...

well those guys really paid attention into the smallest detail right??
I love the footage from WW2 and I know I mentioned something similar before but it's so horrible yet amazing to watch. The sheer scale of it all and the footage while being so old and primative compared to what we can film now brings a harsh reality to everything that happened.

When people read about WW2 in history books they don't get the full story and I mean heck even with footage like this, as in only the footage that painted the war in the way the victors wanted has ever officially been released (so far). Books especially allow people to somewhat remove the sheer scale and horrifying war that was WW2 and it reallly is scary to think what our species plunged the world into at that time.
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