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Old 2015-03-03, 03:02   Link #25
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Age: 35
Sorry for the late reply, I don't check in as often anymore.

Originally Posted by CataclysmicExplosion View Post
So this might be nitpicking, but I'm curious as to why they did not mention how St. Peter was actually crucified in the anime?

I'm asking, because recently I've been watching A certain magical index II with a friend and he had to explain why story of St. Peter was important. According to Wikipedia (Yes, I know I'm using Wikipedia as a source), when he was crucified, he requested to be crucified upside down, since he saw himself unworthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus Christ. This reflects pretty closely to what my friend said about the story (He's raised christian)

Was this something that was mentioned in the light novels...? Or did they not want to offend people who were watching the show?
The Japanese don't really care that much about religion political correctness, otherwise this series wouldn't even exist in it's current form. The most obvious reasons is that they don't have the luxury of the book to go on and on with expositions due to time restrains so they have to cut it short.

And yes they went into full exposition about the St. Peter's Cross story in the LN, though I don't have the details right now.
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