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Old 2015-02-23, 10:37   Link #44
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by JokerD View Post
Historically the battleships were kept in reserve for a 'decisive battle' that never came. Anime-wise, I'm guessing that Yamato would come in as a special guest for an episode or so. Although she was with Nagato and Mutsu during the battle of Midway (and we all know how that turn out)

It would be interesting if Nagato gets canon envy due to Yamato being a shiny new and bigger battleship and get some OOC moments
The US deployed their South Dekota class' and Iowa class ships quite often though.
As for how often she will appear:

I am still waiting to seee Mutsu equip her actual equipment, despite her having been on one of the promo posters. :P - Same goes for Murasame having any roll at all other than backgground character.
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

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