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Old 2015-02-15, 03:21   Link #46
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
Originally Posted by sasuke706 View Post
Subaru states at a couple points he leans more toward the intellectual type, and everyone relies on him for his knowledge (gained through his Return by Death) than his nonexistent fighting prowess. That said, for someone who's died like over 20 or so times, he gets shocked by the most trifling things that he honestly could and should have figured out on his own at many points.
He said he's more about thinking than acting. Which is true, by comparison, due to the fact he's even more of a weakling than a fool.
Doesn't change the fact he's a fool, and the novel does a very good job at presenting him as a fool, including reminding us that he is a fool through dozens of times getting directly pointed out.

I swear, you seem to put more emphasis on single incidents rather than overwhelming counter examples. Do you skip through them or something?
I mean holy shit, he basically mulled over like a few dozen chapters crying about how stupid he is, after he made a fool of himself in front of everyone, and made terrible choices. If anything I figured THAT would get on your nerves, not the other way around!

Spoiler for :
Then we'll have to agree to disagree.
I feel they have helped great deal, but I guess if you're used to the hax cheat heroes around, the new skills not curvestomping enemies would feel useless. They aren't useless at all, and neither is the story about the hero being hax. It's precisely the opposite if anything.
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