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Old 2015-02-15, 00:25   Link #43
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Originally Posted by aohige View Post
This is one of those series that's really good, but overlooked in favor of more generic dime-a-dozen harem novels.
It is possibly the best "Zero to Hero" type story in all of Narou. And I've read hundreds of Narou novels.
I like the story and all, but the series is still lacking in several ways. Like how every conversation is lead by one person who knows everything about the topic and the other conversational partner is a bumbling idiot who only parrots words or grunts in surprise (usually Subaru, and somehow he's supposed to be an intelligent protag despite how frequently stupid he is about serious subjects). Many other stories do this as well, which is why I make it a point to note when a series actually has decent conversations between characters instead of explanations for the readers' sake.

There's also the part where he'll give Subaru a very promising buff, then it turns out said buff is actually completely useless. It's happened like 3 or 4 times. I can get wanting to keep your protagonist weak compared to the powerhouses (literally almost everyone else introduced in the story), but this bait-and-switch is annoying.

I could go on about more minor annoyances, but like I said, I do like the series. The two above things just particularly bother me when I'm reading it, though the second one doesn't really come up that often.
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