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Old 2015-02-06, 10:05   Link #35
Pissed Off Tl0r
Join Date: Mar 2014
Originally Posted by laon View Post
There is no "Holy moe maid waifu" in the original Japanese though, just なにこれ?. Now that's just a very tiny portion of the game, imagine how many things the translator added to the game.

But video game translationlocalization has been pretty liberal since ye' old PSX days so I guess this is nothing new. I just hope that some of the novel I've read in the past isn't as bad, but you never know... (I did know some manga scanlators who did something similar to this but thankfully they mostly went extinct.)
I think the game localisation is the worst in that regard. I have played various games with the original Japanese sound, but the subtitles sometimes told an entirely different tale. Especially for common phrases or battle shouts. It had absolutely nothing to do with the Japanese anymore. Well, I ain't saying this is a bad thing, translating means to ADOPT the meaning in a different language, not to replace it word-by-word.
Still, its pretty creepy when the stuff you hear is different from what you read.

For what matter, I would say the phrase "nani kore!?" implies more high impact in Japanese, exspeciallywith the right tone. A simple "what's this?" might not convey it, even less when it's just in text-form. So adding something like "holy moe kyun kyun" can be legit, imo. Questionable though, if it was actually the perfect phrase for that. I admit it sounds pretty retarded^^
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