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Old 2015-02-04, 16:54   Link #58
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Ickarium View Post
In general, I think there are three issues intertwined here.

#1: Those who seriously are having mental issues due to being away from home and family in a totally new world. Possibly exacerbated if they were shut-ins to start.
Are there any actual therapists or even support groups for these folks? I know Mariel means well, but having fun events isn't really enough

#2: Those who simply do not like their options. Really, the two options are 'crafting' or 'killing things'. There are people who do not like the first option who also are not comfortable with the pain (even if lessened) and possible memory loss of the second. There are people who stopped adventuring altogether.
Maybe the Round table can try to encourage people finding alternate work oppurtunities. Like how governments try to encourage small businesses.

#3: The 'real' leechers. Lazy buggers who just want to have fun, and now that killing stuff has pain that's not fun. So they don't do anything. These are likely the ones Eins mentioned who got pouty with Mariel's parties because of envy.

They have to be careful to deal well with the first two without alienating them, while kicking #3 to the curb or encouraging them to actually do something.
I think the third group is the one they need to be most careful of.

Most of the leechers are probably low level casuals, right? I don't doubt there are some who don't like the fact that it's the high level folks with lots of previous experience that are basically running Akiba. They could cause real trouble if left alone.

I think they should focus on the second group, who can probably help out with dealing with the third, since they should be intertwined to some point.

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