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Old 2015-01-13, 01:35   Link #68
Crazy Devout Fanboy
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: 1st Ra Cailum-class battleship Ra Cailum, port-side officer's bunks
Everybody keeps saying the staff made a mistake with the early part of SHIELD. I say the way they handled it was entirely intentional. Admit it, it was a real bombshell to see SHIELD fall apart like that before even the first season was over, and the way they made everything seem normal before it compounded the impact of the revelation. Everybody says it was only firing on all cylinders after the Thor 2 crossover, but I say it was all an elaborate plan; start off the series like it's an "average" spy agency show and lure them into that thought. Then comes the turn with CA 2 and everything takes off, effectively making the series even better than if they had started off with the bombshell.
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