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Old 2015-01-07, 17:23   Link #58
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post
...Well, I can't see what made this content so popular. Must have a good marketing/internet staff or something. *shrug* Oh, and if that eyecatch's artwork was from the game, then damn, the artwork sucks compared to the anime...
Actually, the game lacked a LOT of marketing for a good while and still gained 1M of users in less than 1 year.
The game is, as I explained in the early post of the threads, successful because of many elements put together in an interesting fashion.

Kadokawa actually "woke up" quite recently, and official goods only showed up 1 year after the game was put online, way after its peak of popularity. That's also why the anime feels like a "second wave" instead of actually sailing on the first popularity wave, since the anime is 3 months away of being broadcasted during the game 2nd anniversary.
Originally Posted by Sound of Azure View Post
Another question is whether we'll see interesting tactics in the anime. I haven't played the game, but I would assume that tactics and strategy take an important role in deploying your forces. Losses are permanent in game, I understand. I really hope we'll see a bit of a strategic element as the series goes on.

All in all, a charming show with a lot of potential. I really hope its positives can overcome my early reservations.
As "surprising" as it might sound, strategy relies only on fleet composition, fleet equipments and formation used prior engaging a fight. The actual fight isn't controlled at all, which is one of the major RNG driven point of the game.

That said, they probably will have to put that in question since we will witness several fights later on.
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