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Old 2015-01-07, 17:19   Link #57
Sound of Azure
...Is that so?
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Central Queensland, Australia
Age: 43
Charming, but...

That was quite enjoyable, and I found the characterisation of the girls pretty charming so far. It seems like it's going to be the story of Fubuki finding her feet and learning to excel in the fleet. That kind of story is one I find pretty fun, though I wish Fubuki had been a bit less clumsy on her first sortie.

One question for myself is whether the charming characters and plucky underdog story can overcome the humour-inducing (for me) aspect of young women water-skating around with guns/artillery/armour plates strapped to their sides. It mean the gearhead part of me won't be very satisfied, sadly.

Another question is whether we'll see interesting tactics in the anime. I haven't played the game, but I would assume that tactics and strategy take an important role in deploying your forces. Losses are permanent in game, I understand. I really hope we'll see a bit of a strategic element as the series goes on.

All in all, a charming show with a lot of potential. I really hope its positives can overcome my early reservations.
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