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Old 2015-01-07, 15:36   Link #40
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the Horizon
Age: 43
I do hope the studio won't try too hard, to show/squeeze as many Kanmusu as they can in 30 minutes. I can identify a few parts (Tone taking the destroyers for a run, and KitaOoi's merry snack time) that could be cut to give the main destroyer trio more time.

And stop making the Kanmusu reciting their lines from the game when there's not a need for them to! What's the point of Hibiki talking about "The name of the Phoenix is not for show" when she's not showed to do anything of note? Not to say that they can't quote from the game, but at least do it in a natural, unobtrusive way

Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
The thing is that the "monster looking" abyssals are quite numerous and only got scratch damage / dodged Light cruisers and destroyers attack.

Meanwhile, the human looking got a much harsher beating left and right.
The ancherage princess actually tanked several strikes from Battleships, torpedo bomber, etc. She pretty much can deal with 1-2 light fleets alone without much issue.
Originally Posted by Kopi View Post
Well yeah. I mean the design made them looked meaner which is pretty good. The princess did shoot those firepowers but I wish the studio should have shown it hitting majority of the girls to showcase its superiority.
Now I know why fanartists show the Anchorage Princess looking so sad after the advance screening However, it's quite possible that Kongou and Hiei (+ Akagi's torpedo) had breached her defenses enough to allow a well-dropped bomb do its work (her barrier seems to be cracked before she went on the offensive). The ease with which the 1st CarDiv blows everything out of the water does make me question the need for the other fleets though.

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