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Old 2015-01-06, 16:11   Link #48
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2015
Name: Bryce Kasagari
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Eyes: Hazel
Clothing: Advanced suit of armor (former), White shirt with grayish-white jacket and black pants.
Weapons: X-12 Sword Rifle (former), none
Magic: ALM (Advanced Light Magic
Origin: Earth (year 2341)
Guild: Fairy Tail
Rank: Grande Colonel (former), Member
Likes: Kindness, a girl's personality, and combat.
Dislikes: Aliens, cowardliness, oppression, Zeref
Personality: Kind, Caring, Inspiring, Capable, Trustworthy, Loving and Nurturing (at times)
Bio & HISTORY: When he was 3 his family were killed by the Alien occupiers, leaving him the sole survivor. When he was 5 he was inducted into the HLF (Human Liberation Force). When he was 6 the War for Human Independence began. At the age of 10 he was put into his first combat mission as a Sergeant. By the time he was 16 he was promoted to Grande Colonel. By the Aliens he was nicknamed "The Demon of Light", by humanity he was dubbed "Savior of Humanity" as he saved a million lives. However, by the time he was 18 he had killed 7.5 million Aliens personally but he has let 2 million die under his command. When he was 19 he was transported to Earth-Land, were he meet Team Natsu and, after a little scuffle, settled things out and took him to Fairy Tail. After sensing great magic energy dwelling inside him, Master Makarov allowed him to join the guild, even Mavis Vermilion (who was present at his initiation) saw the powerful Light Force inside him. He gained his magical abilities when he took on the 5 members of the dark guild Tyrant King's by himself after telling them to retreat. After defeating 2 of them with just his suit and weapon, he faced off against Hurzia Juntan, were she destroyed both equipment. He gained his ability to use the lost form of light magic named "Advanced Light Magic", this magic gave him the ability to not only defeat Hurzia, but the rest of the Dark Guild. After his friends went back in to save him, He depleted nearly all of his magical energy and was lying on the ground, after a heartfelt moment with Mavis, he used the spell Restoration to give Mavis another chance at life after she died so young. After which he past out and went into a coma for 5 months and after he awoke, he found the entire guild cheering at the sight of him awake, especially Mavis. Currently he holds a form of relationship with Mavis, and is in the current S-Class trials in round 2 with Natsu, Grey, Cana, and Levy.
Future: To eliminate all the Darkness and Evil in Earth-Land.
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