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Old 2015-01-02, 07:11   Link #60
Kimiko Khan
reality has no meaning
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: somewhere within the dark chaos that is my mind
Age: 34
Originally Posted by corefire View Post
i don't know whut to make of the whole ajax theroy but whut i have seen of fsn's Rho Aias its more of a force field then an effect from a Shield notice when EMIYA summons Rho Aias no phsical shield appears only the force field.
actually what appears is a large flower representing the one that sprouted from Telamon's blood. Hence why you see on archers character sheet it also being called the 7 petals that cover the fiery heavens ( the wiki says rings but i could have sworn the vn said petals.) This is also describing the fact that the shield was made of 7 layers of ox hide. so while more conceptual it's still very much a shield.
Also in regards to the ajax theory being that it has a cross and is very much a metal shield i would highly doubt that she is him as I said earlier it would most likely be a late period roman ie after Constantine and the conversion of the empire to christiantity or a european christian knight
the ones between Joseph of Arimathea and Evalach are most likely
if it's of roman origin i can only imagine any ability it has will stem from roman shield tactics
key thing is seeing the front of it as any emblem on it will give the best clue as to who she is
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