Thread: Licensed World Trigger [Manga]
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Old 2014-12-11, 12:44   Link #98
James Rye
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Germany
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
This whole situation should be a major wakeup call to everyone. Obviously for the relatives for those dead or kidnapped, but just everyone in general. They are living on the front lines of a war here. No matter how nice everything seemed once Border took over, that reality has now been thrown in their face.

I guess the Japanese government and really the world itself can only have so big an impact. Border can always just disperse at their leisure and then everyone is screwed. That group has a monopoly on their only legitimate defense against these invasions, they'll have to give them a wide berth.

This was a good reminder that Osamu is starting from a much weaker position than I ever imagined. I thought he was just average to below average agent material. But really this guy was below the borderline. But his personality and determination are keeping him going in a world full of monsters. Good point that it probably explains why Osamu eventually got in. Jin probably helped the process along knowing that it was important for Osamu to be in Border.

The first person perspective to the flashback worked well I agree. Really helped to literally stand in his shoes. Seeing someone he looked up to struggling to protect his sister and vanishing, seeing Chika just crying from her loss and then boom he took action. Didn't need any more than that to get why he was there taking the test.

Sleeping Chika was nice, but also a good reminder of the realities of the situation with his mother being there. Osamu still has his family as far as we know so he's different from even his two friends here who have both suffered some real losses. He is the guy that helps ground this show.
Well, those people must have mighty reasons to stay in a city near a warzone with the risk of getting killed or kidnapped to be used in foreign wars. I guess that Border pays them for staying in the city and that they need them to stay because "material".
I thought first that Border would need them as families for agents but then I got that Border got a much bigger problem: Ressources.
Where the HECK is Border supposed to get Trion to create its huge walls, cannon shells and traps and ofc the triggers which can form weapons or combat bodies or optional stuff like the grasshopper one or the teleport one?!

And I think the people in the city are said ressource.
Remember the little Rads? Who collected trion energy from people around them without harming them and then created warpgates with said energy? I bet Border got a similar machine in their HQ which collects trion energy from a certain radius, basically the city, and with this trion the Border engineers can form it to walls, shells and triggers and what else.
However, this also means the more people leave Mikado city the less tiron they can gather. So this would explain why Border is worried about people leaving the city as well as of their own image/reputation.
At least that is my theory to that.

Yeah, the goverments of the world has to let Border do as it pleases, for now. But they probably won't like it. The knowledge that there is alien technology and you do not have it would drive many nations, scientists as well as big corporations insane.^^;

Yep, it is darn impressive.
No destined person of fate, no superpower bloodline, no amazing power to fight cool battles with, no incredible weapon to fight with, Osamu's probably one of the most average MCs in a battle shounen manga. xD
Yuuma with his sad background story, his special trion body and his Black Trigger, fits the usual MC role much better than Osamu does.

Also chapter 83 and 84 are out already! Nice!
Osamu's mom is shipping OsamuxChika with all her might, it seems. XDDD
Good to see more friendship stuff between Osamu and Yuuma.^^
Man, Replica not being there anymore in the manga does change things quite a bit. For Yuuma it is a similar power-down like for Jin when he gave away his Fujin weapon. No more copy and replicate powers for Yuuma in future invasions.

Karasawa is a nice guy overall, for showing Osamu that Border intends to put all the blame on him for the missing trainees. Mean tactic, but one many big organisations and nations have used in the past and are still using. :c
Good to see how Yuuma made it seem so simple with how he talked Osamu out of his guilt with a couple words. That surely left an impression on Kasumi, maybe she ships her son now with Yuuma? XDDD
Liked how Osamu had this two panel flashback of how Kido asks him what he would if a simialr situation happens again and he answers back he would definetly help.

It is right, Osamu has no reason to be ashamed of helping or feeling guilty for saving people. How was he supposed to know that this would give away information to the neighbors that the baby chickens had no way to escape like regular agents? And even if he did knew, would that have justify letting around ten teenagers die just to keep that information secret?
Hell no!

Besides, Aftokrator would have attacked so or so. They needed new people so badly they came with a huge army, dozens rabbits and 4 (!!!) Black Triggers. They were desperate to do such a move, they had done it with or without the C-agent information about their lack of escape trigger.

Doubt the press will see it the same way though. They want somebody to blame and Osamu is just about to give them exactly somebody who they can blame for everything and write horrible stuff about in their newspapers/newsTV.

Originally Posted by KBTKaiser View Post
Well the place I find the JP raws has updated so we now have names for the two teams that kuga and chika more or less OHKO'd.

Yoshizato Squad
Mamiya Squad
Doubt we will hear or see much more of those two teams. XD
Then again, we got to read extra stuff about some of those sideside-charas like Chano from the Chano squad who dresses like a boy and who's bigger brother has gone missing in the invasion. So maybe if Ashihara gets enough chapters and time, we might get to see/hear some stuff about those people in later arcs at the sideline.

Originally Posted by zerofighter View Post
Unless there are ways to actually boost Trion levels, Osamu is going to be a cerebral fighter. Using tactics and techniques instead of fire power.
Though he could tie Chika to his back and use her as a battery and auxiliary attacks (Banjo Kazooie)
They got the horn technology. Which gives brain cancer and makes you a mad person. And kills you after a couple years. Doubt Osamu gonna make use of that though. That idea with Chika battery is a worthy one.^^

We got Chapter 87 spoilers.

Spoiler for Spoilers:

Can't wait to see if Chika's birthday gonna be celebrated in the manga or forgotten about it. Hope we get to hear about her parents till then or during the birthday and how they view her involvment with Border and such.^^
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